DUST on Kindle at Amazon 99p for Christmas!Mark Thompson AuthorDec 27, 20181 min readhttps://www.amazon.co.uk/Dust-evocative-coming-journey-America-ebook/dp/B071W8V8NP/ref=sr_1_28?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1545928149&sr=1-28&refinements=p_30%3ARedDoor+Publishing%2Cp_n_binding_browse-bin%3A368165031
University Radio York URY ury.org.uk - guest author, talking York Writers and my writing life on Monday 24th February 3pm-4pm
Talking 'DUST' and 'ETERNAL CITY' with other writers in Leeds Dear All… I have been invited to appear at this event in Leeds, at Northern Guitars Cafe Bar, 41 Call Lane, Leeds LS1 7BT from 7.30 -...
The Authors' Club (Est. 1891) Delighted to be invited for a second year as a judge for The Authors' Club Best First Novel Awards. Last year's winning novel All The Little Bird Hearts by Viktoria Lloyd-Barlow was a desrving winner from an extremely excellent short...